Thursday, February 16, 2006

Japanese dolls

The Japanese dolls made from old Kimono, Japanese traditional clothes.

A Poem about Japaness Dolls

The Jappy Dolly
by Clifton Bingham
(published in The Santa Claus Story Picture Book (M.A. Donohue & Co., Chicago, New York, no date)

Kissy-Kissy, little Jappy,
I love you, so please be happy,
Though your own dear dolly home
Lies across the rolling foam!

When you nestle on my lappie,
You're my own, my little Jappy,
With your funny shaven crown,
Sweetest doll in all the town!

When we go out for a walkee,
How I wish that you could talkee.
Then perhaps you'd tell me this:
What's the Japanese for "kiss"?

To read more poems, click here.

Have you ever seen the movie "dolls" directed by Kitano Takeshi?

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