Thursday, February 23, 2006

Kimchi: A Super food? (from Washington Post)

Kimchi: A Superfood?

"Kimchi has long been touted as health superfood that can cut cancer risk, lower cholesterol, improve skin, aid digestion and fight infection. The dish does contain ingredients widely believed to strengthen immunity and fight disease. For example, kimchi's fermentation process produces beneficial bacteria that destroys harmful microbes. Crushed garlic yields compounds linked to reducing blood pressure and infections. (Stanford University's Web site recommends garlic nose drops to kill cold-causing viruses.) Hot peppers contain capsaicin, believed to kill certain bacteria. Ginger's medicinal uses range from preventing motion sickness to fighting colds. Cabbage and green onions are packed with health-boosting phytonutrients. Many South Koreans even credited kimchi consumption with sparing the nation from the SARS outbreak that swept Asia in 2003. R.T."

From Washington Post

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